Logo Short Run Printing, Ltd.
8:30AM - 4:30PM M-Thur
8:30AM - 2:00PM Fri
Current Time: 7:28AM
P: 855.629.5162

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Be Another Satisfied Customer!
"We appreciate the time energy and effort that each and everyone of you have put into helping make our publication grow. I will admit I was skeptical of "E" Business and still am not to fond of it; but it is greatly appreciated for the patience and diligence that you have shown with us over the last eight months or so. The quality is spot on, deadlines are met, and the customer service is outstanding. Communication lines between you and us are unbelievable! It is greatly appreciated that you folks make a call, ask a question, or give an update; this is exceptional this day and time. We are very pleased with the end result. You all at Short Run are appreciated very much!"
Eugene Gregg
Antique Puller Magazine
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