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"The Centennial Church Calendars came just in time to be distributed last Sunday. Everyone was very pleased with the final product. The production quality is much higher than what we are used to: fantastic job!"
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson Design
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Princesses, Pageants, and Programs…

Each pageant–whether it be a beauty pageant, a scholarship pageant, or even a baby pageant– becomes a special memory to cherish forever.  Just as important as the pageant itself,  is a beautiful keepsake photo program.  Contestants and family members can relive the moment for years to come through the photos in these special books. Short Run Printing, Ltd specializes in these memory makers.  You can choose to offer a saddle stitched or a perfect bound version—both will be photo quality and can be printed in full color or monochrome. 

If your program planning has started a little late in the game, no problem.  We offer standard, rush, and super rush delivery—the choice is yours.  It’s simple to choose the delivery date that meets your needs best simply by going to where you click on “get a quote”—enter your quantities, etc and receive a quote including delivery options.  Upload your .pdf files right on the Short Run Printing, Ltd site and your printing process is begun.  

In the process of event planning, Short Run Printing Ltd understands that streamlining is the best way to create a successful event.  The fewer things you have to worry about, the more you can focus on the actual event.  Mary Cantando said, “The effective person never asks HOW will I get to do this but rather WHO will I get to do this.” In other words, instead of killing yourself trying to cover all the tasks for this year’s pageant, let Short Run Printing Ltd create your keepsake programs and scratch one more thing off your to-do list.

New Opportunities for the New Year

Ready or not, 2010 is coming to a close and the world is preparing itself for a new year. Good or bad, as a society, we get to wipe the slate clean and give ourselves another chance at life. This magical time of closing one chapter and starting a new one has always been associated with a few things: parties, a New Year’s Kiss, resolutions and our favorite – shiny new calendars.

Calendars have become such an integral part of our lives; we don’t think anyone could truly live without one. While we stare at them every day, we found some fun information about the days of the week that probably not many of us know about.

Sunday – Sun for the Latin “Solis” – in old English “Sunnandaeg” Known as the Sun’s day.
Monday – Moon for the Latin “Lunae” – old English “Monandaeg” Known as the Moon’s day.
Tuesday – Mars for the Latin “Martis” – old English “Tiwesdaeg” Named for Mars – god of wars.
Wednesday – Mercury for the Latin “Mercurii” – old English “Wodnesdaeg” Named for Mercury – god of peace.
Thursday – Jupiter for the Latin “Jovis” – old English “Thunresdaeg” Named for Jupiter – god of thunder.  Friday – Venus for the Latin “Veneris” – old English “Frigedaeg” Named for Venus – goddess of love. Saturday – Saturn for the Latin “Saturni” – old English “Saeternesdaeg” Named for Saturn – god of planting and harvest. Known as Saturn’s day.

The variety and options that come with calendars are endless and this is why Short Run Printing loves them. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, full color, black and white…whatever you want and your budget will allow. The best part? With twelve full months of real estate, they will sit in front of your customers every single day. You can’t beat advertising that is daily part of your customer’s life!

The Game is About to Begin…Where is Your Program?

They get used as coasters. They get used as batons. They wave down the peanut guy. Sometimes they get thrown at the other team. They make excellent fans when it’s hot. They are sports programs. And while they might get used for other things during their lifetime, they are essential for any sporting event. From high school to the professional leagues, part of the game is to look up stats, names, previous scores, coaches, even the cheerleader roster.

The benefits of sports programs are that they can include whatever information that you would like your fans to see. A huge part of this is the advertising that is associated with this item. Not only are you creating an informational booklet that is beneficial, you become a prime source of ad space that sponsors are going to want to take advantage of.

Some of the sports seasons that will start soon or have already started are football, basketball, ice hockey, tennis and gymnastics. To get these ready, it’s always a good idea to get started on the design process as soon as possible. Most programs vary from forty to seventy two pages and can include a large amount of photos and text. If you let us know what your needs are, the Short Run Printing team can help you walk you through all the options and get ready to play ball!

Determining the Correct Number of Pages for Your Project

It may seem simple, even a bit elementary, to discuss “counting” but it really can be a bit confusing when it comes to counting the pages for a booklet quote.  It is important that this concept is understood in placing a quote on the Short Run Printing, Ltd. quote engine in order to get an accurate project quote.

The confusion comes with two terms:  Sheets of Paper or Pages.  Each sheet of paper will create 4 pages in the finished book/booklet/magazine when creating a saddle stitched product.  The easiest way to understand this is to take a sheet of paper and fold it in half.  While still folded, count the number of sides — page 1 or cover is the top side; open the folded piece and you will find page 2 and page 3; turn the page and you will find page 4 or the back cover of our very simple “book”.  If making a perfect bound piece, each page will be cut separately so will produce page 1 on one side and page 2 on the back side of that sheet.

In getting your print quote, it is the number of pages in your book that is needed, not how many sheets of paper it took to achieve that number.  This number should include the cover as well, even if it is to be a different weight paper than the content pages.

Numbering pages in your book is at your discretion; however, if a printer were given a choice in the matter, the choice would always be to have numbers on the content pages.  This just offers another way to double check accuracy as far as the order of the book.

If designing a saddle stitched book or magazine, the number of pages (including cover) must be divisible by 4.  A perfect bound book or magazine can be any number of pages.  Of course, both the number of pages in the book and the weight of the paper stock chosen will determine the spine width on a perfect bound book.  Spine width will determine whether you have room for any printing on the spine.  Spine design is something we will be happy to create for you when the above two things are determined.

Short Run Printing is Now TSA Certified

Short Run Printing is proud to announce that we are Certified Known Shippers with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). In cooperation with American Airlines, Southwest Airlines and US Airways we are qualified to send packages on commercial passenger airlines as cargo.

What Does This Mean For You?

Whether it’s a last-minute print job, or traveling back and forth to a conference, we can have your print project ready and waiting for you at your destination. The package can even be booked on a specific flight, like baggage, so you know when to expect your project at the airport cargo terminal.

Being certified means that airport screening congestion can be avoided, ensuring the most direct and immediate way for you to receive your print project while maintaining our in-house packaging integrity. Learn more at the TSA website.

Printing and shipping with us will save you time, money, and peace of mind. Click here to get a Quote from in less than 30 seconds, and stay tuned for more information.

What Makes Short Run Printing Better?

As a small, family-run business we are able to offer much more economical printing solutions because of our low overhead. Our automated process and state of the art digital presses allow us to get the job running as soon as 15 minutes after a pre-pressed file is sent to queue – there is no waiting for printing plates to be produced and “dialed in” as with offset printing. Where offset presses require more time and more money to produce a shorter run job, the better option is digital.

Here at Short Run Printing we use digital presses, which allow us to begin printing a project quicker and at less cost to you than offset printing companies.  Consequently, as our name (Short Run Printing) implies, we are able to deliver from 50 to 1,250 incredible quality Booklets or Magazines at a cost significantly below the National average.  It is also important to remember that we are not a copy shop.  We use high-quality Xerox digital presses to produce booklets, flyers, magazines and more at the unsurpassed clarity of 2400 DPI.

In addition to getting comparable price quotes (make sure you use the same criteria for all quotes) from several companies; it is, also, important that the consumer request print samples to determine the quality of the product that each considered company produces.  At Short Run Printing we stand by our Quality Guarantee, and we are proud to offer high caliber work at affordable prices. Don’t just take our word for it, click here to get a Quote from in less than 30 seconds.

Fall is in the Air! Time to Print Your 2011 Calendars

FALL is nearly here–we know not by crisp, cool evenings or the changing color of leaves yet. We know Fall is in the air because we are beginning to print 2011 calendars!

Calendars are a fantastic way to remind your customers that you are available each time they flip to the new month. In addition, businesses, clubs, churches, and organizations are finding that printing their own calendars are doing double duty for them. They can, in many cases, serve as a fund raising opportunity and are a sure-fire way to announce all future meetings and events to those most important to them.

School calendars are always appreciated. What parent doesn’t appreciate having a little lead time on school happenings–something they don’t always receive when the carrying of messages is dependent upon their child and a backpack. A great fund-raiser for Parent Teacher Groups, Athletic Support Groups, or After School Programs. Both public and private schools have found success with calendar sales.

There are two binding choices for calendar design–saddle stitched or coil bound. A saddle stitched calendar is stapled along the spine while the coil bound version is bound by a plastic coil. Both types are drilled with a tiny hole for hanging but can be used in booklet form if desired. The coil bound type has the advantage that they stay flat and open easier while saddle stitched calendars are more economical.

In planning the design of your calendar you must first decide on the type of binding you wish to use. If doing a coil bound type, you will have 26 pages (13 double sided sheets of paper) to fill with pictures and information. These 26 pages includes a full color cover, 12 calendar month grids at the bottom of each spread and a color picture at the top.

A saddle stitched calendar will be 28 pages (7 double sided sheets folded in half). The layout would be the same as described above but would include 2 extra pages to be used as you wish–perhaps for emergency numbers, telephone numbers or addresses, organization history, letter from the president, or blank for “Notes”. Either type of binding can have additional pages added. Simply remember that if a saddle stitched type you must increase pages by 4 while coil bound calendars may be increased by as little as 2 pages at a time.

Most important–if planning a calendar for 2011, time is of importance. NOW is when files need to be put together and submitted for printing. You want to have your calendars available before people have purchased 2011 calendars elsewhere.

Setting Up Your Print Project for Full Bleed

In preparing your print project files it is important to decide early in your design process whether your project will be “full bleed”. In printer lingo, this simply means that the design area travels clear to the edge of the paper. Your other option, if you choose not to have a full bleed project, would be to have a white border around the printed edge.

Since dry ink (if printed on a digital press) or ink (if printed on an offset press) cannot be printed right to the edge of the paper, the design must give the illusion that this is what was done. This is achieved by adding additional background printed color beyond the actual edge of the printed piece and then cutting off that additional background to the desired piece size. How much additional must be added?

The industry standard is an additional 1/8” (0.125”) on all sides. To simplify, that means that a flyer that is to measure 8.5” x 11” when finished would measure 8.75” x 11.25” for print purposes. After printing, the additional measurement would be trimmed off producing the desired size without cutting off any of the necessary print or graphics — the area we call the “live” area.

We would be happy to share a copy of our spec sheet illustrating the above full bleed information. Simply request one at